Believing in accessibility for all

couple working on laptop

Mutual exchange

A mutual exchange can take place between two or more secure council or assured housing association tenants that want to swap tenancies and properties.  

The dedicated officers in the Lettings team manage all aspects of mutual exchange, providing advice and guidance on the process, and working with tenants and other social housing providers to ensure timescales are adhered to, to ensure a smooth and rapid swap.  

  • What the team does

    This team provides a frontline service to customers, managing mutual exchange applications. It:  

    • organises inspections 
    • assesses if an exchange can take place  
    • assesses possible solutions to help an exchange  
    • provides pre-tenancy support for customers who are exchanging  
    • works with Homeswapper, a nationwide mutual exchange online platform. 

    The team tailors its service to the needs of the customer. 

  • How this benefits customers

    Mutual exchanges are beneficial to those customers who want to downsize, and it means the home can be released to a family in need.  

    A mutual exchange can provide a quicker option to move to a different home than waiting for a home through Homes in the City. 

  • What customers can expect

    Conditional approval/refusal will be given within 42 days of the mutual exchange application being submitted. 

    Phone calls and contacts will be responded to within three working days. 

    Emails will be responded to within five working days.

  • How we measure success

    The team analyses: 

    • the number of properties involved in an exchange each year
    • the number of exchanges where conditional approve/refusal is given within 42 days
  • How we continue to improve

    The team continuously looks for ways to improve the mutual exchange process, making it more efficient for our customers and to ensure our customers fully understand the rights and responsibilities of a tenancy following a mutual exchange.

  • How the team's work fits within the Consumer Standards