Believing in accessibility for all

Care leavers

If you are a care leaver, your Young Persons Advisor and Wolverhampton Homes will work together to ensure you have a safe place to stay. There is a website for children in care in Wolverhampton which has lots of useful information, you can access this by following the link below.

Information for care leavers
Repairs Woman

For tailored housing advice, please view advice aid.

The council are required to publish a local offer, which sets out the services and the support available for care leavers. You can find this offer here

There are certain processes we need to follow to make sure you are getting the right support.

To help us understand how best to support you, you will be asked some questions to allow us to assess your needs. Wolverhampton Homes will work jointly with your Young Persons Advisor to resolve your housing problem.

This means:

  • Wolverhampton Homes undertake a homelessness assessment under the homeless legislation to prevent your homelessness or find somewhere else for you to live.
  • Wolverhampton Homes will develop a Personalised Housing Plan (PHP) with you and take steps to help you find and keep accommodation.
  • You must cooperate with the assessment and the steps set out for you in your PHP.
  • There are different types of accommodation and Wolverhampton Homes and your Young Persons Advisor will identify the right level of support for you.
  • You will have an allocated worker in Wolverhampton Homes, who will help you to access financial/budgeting support, education/work, other independent living skills.
  • You will have a right to review decisions if the duty towards you comes to an end.

At all times, your Young Persons Advisor or Wolverhampton Homes will make sure you have all the information you need and that your views are recorded and considered.

You can find further information about the help that is available for care leavers on the City of Wolverhampton Council’s website.

City of Wolverhampton Council
