Believing in accessibility for all

Report anti-social behaviour

If you have been a victim of or have witnessed anti-social behaviour, please report it.

You can use the form below in the strictest confidence. You do not need to leave your name or contact details, but this will not make it possible to contact you for further details or inform you of progress.

Call 999 if you feel in immediate danger, or a criminal offence is being committed, 101 for non emergency, or online via

Contact details

I understand that by ticking this box the ASB team will not be able to contact me for more information to help them investigate my report

Enter your full name
Enter a UK landline or mobile number
Enter a mobile phone number
Enter an email address

Details of incident

Please enter the case ID of the existing or previous report, if you know it
Enter the place where the incident happened
Enter the name of the person involved, if you know it
Describe what happened. Include details about when and where the incident happened and who was involved.

Your address details

It would help us if you include your own address details so that our team can request more information or provide updates to you. Your details will not be shared with the person you are reporting.

Enter the building number and street where you live
Enter your area
Enter your postcode