Believing in accessibility for all

16 and 17 year olds

If you are unable to return to your last address or it is not safe, Children’s Services and Wolverhampton Homes will work together to ensure you have a safe place to stay.

Contact us

There are processes we need to follow to make sure you are getting the right support. We might need to talk to your family before confirming your homelessness or making any big decisions, but we will always discuss this with you. We will talk to you to find out how we can best support you.

An advocate is someone who will support you to express your views and wishes and help you stand up for your rights.

If you would like support from an advocate, we can give you a list of who you can contact. Please let us know if you would like this list.

Under the Children’s Act 1989, Children’s Services are responsible for housing young people aged 16-17 who are homeless. If you are assessed as in need of accommodation, you will be given the option to come into our care.

This means:

  • The council will become your ‘corporate parent’.
  • You will have an allocated social worker, who will meet with you and your family regularly, and write a care plan/pathway plan with you.
  • You will be allocated an independent reviewing officer who will chair regular review meetings. These will include family members and professionals who are involved in your care.
  • You will work with the Virtual School and have a Personal Education Plan to support school/college attendance and attainment.
  • You will have accommodation most suitable to your needs.
  • You will be unable to claim benefits however you will receive weekly financial support from Children’s Services.
  • If you remain in the Council’s care for more than 13 weeks before you turn 18, you will become a Care Leaver and may be allocated a Personal Advisor who will support your transition to independence.
  • Care Leavers receive further support.

To contact Children’s Services, speak to the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01902 555392.


Wolverhampton Homes (working jointly with Children’s Services) will help you resolve your housing problem.

This means:

  • We will have a conversation with you under the homeless legislation to prevent your homelessness or find somewhere else for you to live. Alongside this Children’s Services will also undertake an assessment to ensure any additional needs you may have are addressed.
  • Wolverhampton Homes will develop a Personalised Housing Plan (PHP) with you and help you find and keep accommodation.
  • You must cooperate with the assessment and the steps set out for you in your PHP.
  • Housing Options to include coming into our care.
  • You will have an allocated worker in Wolverhampton Homes, who will help you to access financial/budgeting support, education/work and other independent living skills.
  • While all young people should be in education or training until they are 18, you may be able to claim benefits for money to live on and to cover your rent.
  • If you accept the supported accommodation placement after you reach 18 and when you have developed sufficient skills to be able to live independently and confidently, the council will help you to move into your own social housing or private tenancy.
  • If you refuse suitable accommodation or become homeless intentionally, the council may end its housing duty towards you and refer you to Children’s Services.
  • You will have a right to review decisions if the duty towards you comes to an end.

At all times, your social worker or Wolverhampton Homes will make sure you have all the information you need and that your views are recorded and considered.

You can find further information on the City of Wolverhampton Council’s website.

City of Wolverhampton Council
