Believing in accessibility for all

About your rent

Your rent covers the cost of providing your home and other services such as repairs and maintenance.

The rent for your home is decided using a formula set by the government, which is based on how much your home is worth, the number of bedrooms you have, the average income in your area, and average national council housing rents. It may also include charges for other services such as cleaning, concierge, caretaking, heating or fencing improvements.


Check your rent balance using My Account

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The importance of paying on time

Your rent is an important part of your tenancy, and paying it should be a priority.

If you pay weekly, you should always be paying for the week ahead, not the week that has passed. If you pay your rent monthly, your payment should be made in full at the beginning of each month.

If you do not pay your rent in advance, you will be behind or ‘in arrears’.

Your tenancy agreement is a legal contract between you and the City of Wolverhampton Council. If you don’t meet the terms of your tenancy, which includes paying your rent on time, you may be asked to give up your tenancy or you could face eviction.

We want to make sure you receive all the confidential help and support you need. So if you are having trouble paying your rent or any other priority bills please contact us as soon as possible - we are here to help.  


Money advice

The City of Wolverhampton Council reviews its housing rents on a yearly basis. We want you to have your say on any new proposals before they take effect from April.

We consult with tenants about the council’s rent review in the autumn of each year. The annual rent review is also made available on the council’s website.

We will write to you to give you at least four weeks’ notice before making any changes to your rent.

If you have overpaid rent by more than one month, you should request a refund.

To request a refund please complete the rent refund form and send it back to us in the post. If you are unable to print the form, please let us know and we will send you a form in the post.

Once we receive your form, we aim to process your refund request within 28 working days. If you owe money to Wolverhampton Homes or the City of Wolverhampton Council at the time of your request, we will deduct any money you owe, retain one month’s rent and pay you the remaining balance.

Complete and return a rent refund form

If you owe money to Wolverhampton Homes, even after your tenancy has ended and you have moved out, we will take action to recover the debt. This includes but is not limited to legal action, which could result in further costs to you, as well as affecting your credit rating.

If you leave your home with outstanding rent, court costs or repairs charges, your housing priority for any current or future housing application could be significantly reduced.

It is always in your best interests to ensure all your housing debts are paid before moving out of your home.
