Emergency repairs
If you have an emergency repair, please tell us straight away so we can take quick action to put the problem right.
We class a repair as being an emergency if it causes or is likely to cause a health and safety risk.
Emergency repairs include:
- gas leaks – if you suspect a gas leak, you should also report it to Cadent using their 24-hour emergency line on 0800 111 999
- blocked flues to an open fire or boiler
- loss of heating or hot water between 31 October and 1 May
- burst pipes and water leaks that cannot be contained
- a total loss of electricity – before reporting the repair, please check with Western Power whether there’s been a power cut in your area
- unsafe electrical wires, fixtures or fittings
- blocked or leaking drains or soil stacks
- toilets not flushing, but only if there are no other working toilets in your home
- insecure windows, doors or locks
We aim to complete emergency repairs within 24 hours, and sometimes sooner. If we are unable to complete the repair when we visit you, we will make the situation safe before leaving your home and will return to complete the repair later.
You can report emergency repairs day or night, all year round, using webchat. During out of hours, you can also ring 01902 552999.