Check out your quarterly newsletter, brought to you by Wolverhampton Homes (WH), City of Wolverhampton Council (CWC), and our construction partners.
In this autumn edition, we will share:
- the latest updates of building works, as we catch up with the contractors
- information on your tenants and residents' association
- community news, supporting you and your family to live well at home and in your community
Do you have something to share with your fellow residents? If so, get in touch with Evelyn Brown, Community Development Officer.
Building works update
Brockfield House
We are completing communal landing decorations and decorating properties where new ceilings have been introduced.
CityFibre are looking to carry out their installation in November 2024. -
Campion House
We are currently installing sprinklers, internal fire doors, and making upgrades to electricity and water systems to improve safety and reliability.
Where customers will benefit from energy efficiency improvements, external and internal wall insulation is being fitted.
A new intercom system is also being installed. -
Hawthorn House
We will start asbestos surveys in the block shortly. Once completed, works will begin.
Lincoln House
We are completing the hallway ceiling electrics in the block, and the internal ceiling works.
Flooring in the communal areas has been removed. -
Ling House
Heating works are being delivered, and concrete and brickwork repairs will begin shortly. Please provide us with access to your home so we can complete this work.
Red Oak House
Heating upgrades are all near completion, and concrete and brickwork repairs are ongoing. Please provide us with access to your home so we can complete this work.
Tremont House
We are progressing the heating works in properties, and sprinkler works are nearing completion. We are also installing new internal ceilings within properties.
We have nearly completed the ceilings in communal areas and will be progressing the flooring and decoration works.
Work to fit pins to fire doors continues 🔥
Please be aware that we are still fitting pins to the fire doors at flat entrances. This allows doors to be identified when carrying out the annual fire door checks.
Building works coffee mornings ☕
Join our coffee mornings to catch up on the building works in your block:
Brockfield House:
- Tuesday 29 October 2024
- Tuesday 26 November 2024
- Tuesday 17 December 2024
Campion House:
- Wednesday 30 October 2024
- Wednesday 27 November 2024
Hawthorne House, Lincoln House, Ling House, Red Oak House, and Tremont House
- Monday 28 October 2024 – Lincoln House
- Monday 25 November 2024 – Tremont House

New high-viz for Building Safety team
Our Building Safety team will now be easy to spot in their new, red hi-viz vests (pictured). Please note, other colleagues may be wearing blue high-viz.
Other news

Join your tenants and residents’ association
Meet up with other Heath Town residents, and colleagues from Wolverhampton Homes, to discuss all things Heath Town:
- raise any concerns you may have
- suggest ideas for activities in the community
- get involved in volunteering
- find out what is happening in your community
Heath Town Tenants and Residents’ Association meets up every third Monday of each month (5pm – 7pm) at Tremont House Community Lounge. They also run weekly activities, including:
Free exercise classes 🏃🏾♀️
Every Tuesday and Thursday (11.30am – 1pm)
Coffee mornings ☕
Every Friday (10am – 1pm)
The group is arranging a trip to Blackpool in November to see the illuminations. Further details will be shared shortly.
Since going to the coffee mornings, I have made new friends. I always feel welcome, and the hosts are down-to-earth. It’s nice to be accepted; there’s nothing like this in my area.
Outright possession issued and injunctions obtained
Our Anti-social Behaviour team works with our Tenancies and Concierge teams, and the police, to address the few individuals that cause harm within the community.
It is always a last resort to take possession of a property. However, if individuals engage in crime or serious anti-social behaviour and refuse to change, we will not hesitate to protect the wider community.
In August, we obtained an outright possession for drug dealing from a property at Chervil Rise. We are awaiting an eviction date, but the tenant appears to have abandoned the property.
We are in the process of addressing similar issues in another high-rise block.
We also recently obtained injunctions for behaviour towards other residents in Red Oak House and Ling House. If these orders are breached, the culprits could face up to two years in prison.
Balcony fire at Longfield House
In August, a fire occurred on the balcony of a fifth floor flat at Longfield House.
Despite looking like a more severe fire because of the smoke, the flat performed as it should. The fire was contained to the living room, and the residents escaped unharmed.
However, several people outside the affected flat evacuated when there was no need to. This caused a delay to the fire service in tackling the fire.
If there is a fire in your flat, raise the alarm and evacuate. If the fire is elsewhere, stay put unless you are affected by heat or smoke, or told to evacuate by the fire service. -
Application for building safety certification
We have applied for building assessment certificates for Brockfield House and Campion House.
The Building Safety Regulator will only issue a building assessment certificate if it is satisfied that, at the time it carries out its assessment, we are complying with building safety legislation.

Dealing with damp and mould
A build-up of moisture in your home can cause damp and mould problems and could affect your health.
For help and advice on preventing condensation and dealing with mould, please visit our website.

Connecting people sleeping rough to local services
If you have seen someone sleeping rough and want to connect them with support services, or you want to find out more, please visit Streetlink’s website for more information.