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A firefighter in every flat

Lane Court Kitchen Fire Jan 2022 With Sprinkler Activated

Image is of the kitchen after the pan fire, with limited fire damage thanks to the sprinkler.

We are in the process of fitting sprinklers in all of our tower blocks. This is part of our infrastructure works which include a number of safety enhancements across the city in order to keep residents in tower block flats safe from fire.

On 8 January 2022, there was a kitchen fire at 6am in a tower block in the city, where a sprinkler was activated. The customer was using a chip pan and fell asleep while cooking. The fire alarm was activated which alerted the customer. The sprinkler in the kitchen quickly put out the fire, with minimal damage to the property and personal belongings, and before the occupant had become overwhelmed by smoke.

Thanks to my sprinklers and working fire alarms, I was kept safe in my flat. You don't think it will happen to you, but it did, and I'm so thankful my life was saved.


Sprinklers are a quick and efficient way to put out a fire in a flat. They essentially put a firefighter in the room at all times. Sprinklers are heat sensitive, so act fast to target flames and save lives.

The safety of residents is our top priority. We are working with customers and partners such as West Midlands Fire Service, to ensure that residents are safe from fire at all times. Installing sprinklers in our tower blocks has proven not only to save lives, but to minimise damage to the flat and protect firefighters in tackling what could have been a large blaze.

Stuart Bourne, Building Safety Manager at Wolverhampton Homes

There are ways that customers can help us to keep you safe. You should:
