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Green for Grenfell


As we mark the fifth anniversary of this tragic event, where 72 people lost their lives and more than 70 were injured in a fire that took hold in a tower block in West London, there are so many lessons that have been learnt. The Fire and Building Safety industry has evolved, as well as how the Fire Service has adjusted to fighting fires in tall buildings. It's been the biggest shape up of building safety legislation since the Building Act 1984.

The safety of our customers has and always will be our top priority. In 2018, we embarked on a city-wide infrastructure programme, whereby we're carrying out major fire safety improvements to all our flatted estates. This programme will see the replacement of electric supplies, refuse chutes, waste pipes, as well as communal fire doors and closers. These improvements, totalling over £47 million, stand to improve the safety and wellbeing of residents for many years to come.

Our dedicated Building Safety team put resident safety at the heart of everything they do:

  • Our Fire Risk Assessments (FRAs) are delivered in house by the Fire Safety team, made up of ex-Fire Service Officers with a wealth of experience.
  • Our Fire Engineer is involved in all building-related projects from the start. This will result in a higher standard of housing for customers, with the most up-to-date fire safety defences, like sprinkler systems in all tower blocks which are automatically activated in the event of a fire and will prevent it spreading.
  • We host resident engagement activities, giving our customers a voice and listening to their concerns. Promising to react accordingly and in a timely manner.
  • We respond to any concerns about fire safety, where our dedicated Fire Safety team work closely with our Tenancy Officers who if needed, can conduct a Person Centred Fire Risk Assessment. This is a personalised review with the resident, which puts safety measures in place to meet their individual needs. We also work closely with our partners at the Fire Service to ensure safety in the home through safe and well checks, which you can book through their website.
  • We work closely with the Fire and Rescue service to ensure when they respond to an incident, all the fire fighting facilities are readily available and all information is up to date.

We are committed to providing safe and secure homes and do everything we can to support residents. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like some fire safety advice.
