Believing in accessibility for all

Join our customer panel!

We're looking to work with as many customers as possible to help make sure we are providing high-quality services which meet your needs. Last week we were joined by TPAS, industry experts when it comes to customer involvement and getting it right. We held a Facebook Live discussion to talk through our plans, the social housing landscape and regulation, and what's in it for you if you choose to join our panel and help make a difference. 

Our new Customer Panel is a chance for customers to help us make decisions on the services you receive and how these can be best delivered. This could be anything from looking at our plans for the future, reviewing regeneration works, checking communications that are sent to customers, looking at complaints and more.

If you love coming up with new ideas, like working together with others and are passionate about making things better, please find out more and apply.

We know not everyone will want to join a panel, so we're working hard to create other opportunities. You can complete feedback surveys or become a customer expert who can look at specific areas like repairs, tenancy management and ASB to look more deeply at what we do and how we could make services even better for customers.

Apply now


Watch the discussion

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