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Share your views on the council's draft Housing Strategy for 2024-2029

Housing Consultation Image

City of Wolverhampton Council is inviting residents, tenants, businesses, and organisations to share their views on its draft Housing Strategy for 2024-2029.

The strategy sets out the council’s priorities and actions to meet the current and future housing needs and challenges in the city.

The council is running the consultation for eight weeks and the feedback from the consultation will be used to shape and focus the council’s work with partner organisations and registered housing providers, as well as landowners, developers, and community organisations.

To achieve the strategy, four priorities have been identified:

  • Priority 1: Ensure residents are provided with the right homes, in the right places.
  • Priority 2: Make the best use of assets and ensure high standards across all areas of council housing.
  • Priority 3: Work in partnership to drive up the standard and quality of the private rented sector.
  • Priority 4: Safe, secure, and sustainable housing that supports good health and independence.

Give us your views